Put your scripting Ideas here!

Give me scripting ideas so I can use services that I know little or haven’t used before

Hey man not to be rude or anything, however I think this would fit much better in a place like Code Review or Creations Feedback. Scripting Support is more like you actually have an issue that needs to be fixed.

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Hi @MrBoaz64,here is some ideas.

Sprint System:

  • Description: Create a sprint system that activates when LeftControl is pressed and deactivates when released. Additionally, add an effect where the camera’s Field of View (FOV) becomes sharper when sprinting.
  • Script Type: LocalScript
  • Services: UserInputService, TweenService

Pet or Part Follow Behind:

  • Description: Create a system where a pet or part follows the player, constantly staying behind the HumanoidRootPart by 10 studs.
  • Script Type: Script (Server-side)
  • Services: RunService
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Thanks for the ideas, this topic will be open so feel free to bring some more if you like!

Do you want hard or easy challenges?

intermediate-hard challenges will do

Have you ever coded plugins? I think the most challenging part is coding a plugin itself.

It’s hard if you’ve never coded one before. It also depends on what your plugin does,if it’s a simple function, it should be easy, but if it’s complex, it can be quite challenging.

i haven’t thought about coding plugins, what do i need to code one for?

When I first started coding plugins, I had to learn a lot of new terms, which was quite annoying. But here’s a great tutorial!

Plugin Ideas:

  1. Make Plugin that Saves and Loads Saved Avatar for the game like using

    Humanoid:ApplyDescription() creates avatar based of HumanoidDescription – it must be edited not just added without modification

  2. There is a already plugin called BlockToRoom or something like that but,
    its medium-hard to code like that this basicly makes from block to room based on thickness

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Additionally, if you want plugin have data store you can use

For Saving

For Loading

Its same thing as a DataStore

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Thanks, I briefly read it and it doesn’t look too hard depending what you are making plugins for


Oh, I forgot! When saving as a local file, it’s weird that “Manage Plugins” doesn’t include it. If you want to remove the plugin, you have to delete the local file manually.