Give me scripting ideas so I can use services that I know little or haven’t used before
Hey man not to be rude or anything, however I think this would fit much better in a place like Code Review or Creations Feedback. Scripting Support is more like you actually have an issue that needs to be fixed.
Hi @MrBoaz64,here is some ideas.
Sprint System:
- Description: Create a sprint system that activates when LeftControl is pressed and deactivates when released. Additionally, add an effect where the camera’s Field of View (FOV) becomes sharper when sprinting.
- Script Type: LocalScript
Pet or Part Follow Behind:
Description: Create a system where a pet or part follows the player, constantly staying behind the
by 10 studs. - Script Type: Script (Server-side)
Thanks for the ideas, this topic will be open so feel free to bring some more if you like!
Do you want hard or easy challenges?
intermediate-hard challenges will do
Have you ever coded plugins? I think the most challenging part is coding a plugin itself.
It’s hard if you’ve never coded one before. It also depends on what your plugin does,if it’s a simple function, it should be easy, but if it’s complex, it can be quite challenging.
i haven’t thought about coding plugins, what do i need to code one for?
When I first started coding plugins, I had to learn a lot of new terms, which was quite annoying. But here’s a great tutorial!
Plugin Ideas:
Make Plugin that Saves and Loads Saved Avatar for the game like using
creates avatar based of HumanoidDescription – it must be edited not just added without modification -
There is a already plugin called BlockToRoom or something like that but,
its medium-hard to code like that this basicly makes from block to room based on thickness
Additionally, if you want plugin have data store you can use
For Saving
For Loading
Its same thing as a DataStore
Thanks, I briefly read it and it doesn’t look too hard depending what you are making plugins for
Oh, I forgot! When saving as a local file, it’s weird that “Manage Plugins” doesn’t include it. If you want to remove the plugin, you have to delete the local file manually.