Hello! I’m currently developing a Hunger Games arena and the launch rooms are pretty damn detailed.
Recently i thought about an idea to reduce lag when players enter the arena and I hope that some of you can answear if thats a good idea.
So in the image 1 you can see one launch rooms. The tributes rise up and they get teleported to the podiums in the image 3 after touching a neon block in the image 2. They will never see or go to the launch rooms again so I thought that when they get teleported to the podiums i can make a script than than puts the launch rooms to ServerScriptStorage or to ReplicatedStorage or it simply just deletes them. What option is the best and would reduce the most lag? (the launch rooms together are about 10k parts)
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
If you didn’t understand something please let me know. I’ll try my best to explain it even better. Thanks!