Q-Clash Minor Update - January 16th, 2021

Hello Clashers!

We hope you all enjoyed our holiday event these last few weeks. We had a lot of fun creating it and playing it alongside you all as well. We hope to do more events like these in the future. :bowing_man::bowing_woman:

We’d like to take a moment to congratulate those who have dedicated their time to the event to earn a place in the top 100 in on the event leader board. Expand the list below to view it in its entirety:

  1. Genoic with 20118 gifts
  2. futureyou100 with 15407 gifts
  3. Piebro103 with 10747 gifts
  4. christflet with 8009 gifts
  5. robuxking1 with 7724 gifts
  6. SassyTheHipcat with 6666 gifts
  7. Smiling_Devil with 6552 gifts
  8. roblox8192 with 6303 gifts
  9. PikaEli_YT with 6170 gifts
  10. 0Red_sama0 with 6113 gifts
Click to view results 11-100
  1. NickDaRipper with 5959 gifts
  2. DeathPotPieTM with 5950 gifts
  3. roblox_player9022 with 5850 gifts
  4. Cool_Isnt with 5835 gifts
  5. Kathoxidy with 5586 gifts
  6. ilovethe911incident with 4937 gifts
  7. TheHonei_Dream with 4779 gifts
  8. Pers3s with 4709 gifts
  9. sasukenarutooooo with 4689 gifts
  10. ultRAgamerthe14th with 4584 gifts
  11. bhhfhb with 4558 gifts
  12. appleipad435 with 4475 gifts
  13. bettythekiller2 with 4404 gifts
  14. GHJDNE with 4385 gifts
  15. frddyday with 4334 gifts
  16. UNFLAMABLESKYWALKER with 4142 gifts
  17. PASAVEC with 4139 gifts
  18. CooIJerome with 4107 gifts
  19. e_nopal with 4032 gifts
  20. Samiahthestar with 4031 gifts
  21. izg_lol with 4006 gifts
  22. bigboss729 with 3942 gifts
  23. 2xXJoyxX2 with 3876 gifts
  24. ixAzeR with 3865 gifts
  25. dcoloma166 with 3759 gifts
  26. lie2201 with 3757 gifts
  27. R4D104CTIVE with 3679 gifts
  28. xBaka_Chanx with 3673 gifts
  29. AnotherGlitches with 3656 gifts
  30. superella121212 with 3539 gifts
  31. over_heavenzo1 with 3488 gifts
  32. shababiii with 3449 gifts
  33. baejunho4803 with 3405 gifts
  34. aotinpowers with 3384 gifts
  35. timjor77 with 3364 gifts
  36. nettimato with 3311 gifts
  37. TootsyKablooie with 3297 gifts
  38. poopmancash with 3265 gifts
  39. jemauwu with 3260 gifts
  40. commybuster101 with 3248 gifts
  41. mtandoli with 3221 gifts
  42. BatonikCzekoladowy with 3183 gifts
  43. Soyelpapupro123 with 3039 gifts
  44. tomgameplayxd13 with 3020 gifts
  45. WOAHSOTALENTED111 with 2959 gifts
  46. neistyperson1 with 2940 gifts
  47. raspyhenrytruong with 2938 gifts
  48. shadowmasterjr12 with 2907 gifts
  49. WolfNightWere with 2868 gifts
  50. sjapper9876 with 2868 gifts
  51. YTJacky with 2863 gifts
  52. Studderies with 2862 gifts
  53. qRqmax2 with 2851 gifts
  54. Euphsic with 2844 gifts
  55. GOLD3MPIR3 with 2817 gifts
  56. Thedesbloxer with 2791 gifts
  57. 3picGuy87 with 2780 gifts
  58. janilan123 with 2778 gifts
  59. imap3pper with 2744 gifts
  60. Scar1e_t with 2736 gifts
  61. waffleflavoredwaffle with 2730 gifts
  62. Wr3ck_S0ciety with 2729 gifts
  63. taylorrm100 with 2724 gifts
  64. aiiz44 with 2719 gifts
  65. NonstickBoat with 2716 gifts
  66. papa_xdddd with 2682 gifts
  67. Tori_plays123 with 2658 gifts
  68. brhru with 2654 gifts
  69. FalloutEQmorphs with 2643 gifts
  70. JoaoUnicornio3595 with 2642 gifts
  71. ju2011ba with 2639 gifts
  72. XmLgprOgOtskilLz with 2617 gifts
  73. MRLOLGAMER5 with 2473 gifts
  74. 12sorrows with 2433 gifts
  75. RobloX197384652 with 2414 gifts
  76. cleptorcraft with 2397 gifts
  77. diaboIisme with 2376 gifts
  78. Andrezorg with 2364 gifts
  79. TwistedRainbowX with 2350 gifts
  80. fusionboys_yts with 2348 gifts
  81. ii_Cupcake5012ii with 2347 gifts
  82. 4Alexa47777 with 2341 gifts
  83. peter512125_2 with 2310 gifts
  84. DIO_SAMA51 with 2275 gifts
  85. JOSE2305AMIR with 2236 gifts
  86. joshua21359 with 2218 gifts
  87. Gogata224 with 2214 gifts
  88. sayafmohammed2006 with 2202 gifts
  89. cy24611 with 2198 gifts
  90. OBEDXDC with 2198 gifts

Alongside the end of this event is a minor patch. Read the notes below for more information:


  • Adjusted autobalance settings to be a bit more aggressive. This should lead to less games that drag on with imbalanced teams.
    • Autobalance will continue to be closely monitored and tweaked as necessary.
  • Adjusted anticheat settings to detect β€œgod mode” exploits.
  • Cleaned up duplicated holiday lootboxes and items from the event.
  • Potentially addressed an issue where the announcer would get stuck repeating the same lines over and over.



  • Snowballs deal 25 damage with linear falloff.

Thanks again for all the support and have a great new year!

The Q-Clash Team