I have been working with perlin for about a month now and want to move from 2d arrays to 3d arrays (In order to make caves) and would like to know how to make a 4d array to make one.
Why do you want 4d arrays when you need 3d arrays?
Anyway, you can make arrays of any dimensionality like this:
local _1d = { 1 }
local _2d = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} }
local _3d = {
{ {1, 2}, {3, 4} },
{ {5, 6}, {7, 8} }
and so forth. You can index into e.g. a 3d array like so:
local v = _3d[x][y][z]
You might want some helper functions:
function set3D(arr, x, y, z, value)
arr[x][y][z] = value
function get3D(arr, x, y, z)
return arr[x][y][z]
I usually add logic to those functions to automatically set up sub-arrays inside set3D only when needed. That way I don’t have to ensure that the table is set up before hand. That effectively makes them into sparse, jagged arrays. If you want non-sparse, rectangular arrays you can set those up with another helper function:
function make3DArray(sx, sy, sz, default)
local arr = {}
for x = 1, sx do
arr[x] = {}
for y = 1, sy do
arr[x][y] = {}
if default == nil then continue end
for z = 1, sz do
arr[x][y][z] = default
return arr