I think the biggest feedback: Make the pacing faster, give the player money quicker. Or, make thing less expensive. Or both.
I spend more than an hour in the game, I’m not sure how anyone would want to play past 4 minutes in its current state.
(don’t know if this helps, but I played on keyboard and mouse on my PC.)
Here's all my feedback from playing the game and taking notes. (click/tap here)
Right off the bat, the UI is inconsistent in a variety of ways and the tutorial is hand-holdy. The hand holding is understandable I guess, due to a younger audience that would play tycoons and on Roblox in general.
The music changes abruptly from being in one area or another. Dynamic music is challenging, so I’d just make it fade. Fading would be better than what it is now. Also, I can toggle Music, but not sound effects. Of course, I can use the Roblox volume slider, but yeah.
Even if there’s nothing in the safe for collecting money, the coin sprawling particles play and a chime plays. It’s either that, or the UI isn’t updating.
The NPC interaction stuff is great. I wonder how long one waits till leaving after sitting down and when the lanes are full. Toggling NPC’s doesn’t get rid of their dialogue, but that might be for the better. 
There’s no explanation to what signs and lots do. I assume they work similarly to Retail Tycoon. Bigger signs bring in more attention/flow of people? and parking lots allow more people in general? (I say with a question mark cause I’m not sure.)
The flow of the game itself is quite intense to start. I already had quite the line-up of cars. Despite this and having 4 lanes, the cash-flow coming in wasn’t great. I’m not sure how to entirely judge timing for progression in Tycoons, but this tycoon is VERY slow. Also, I’m not sure what helps towards flow of money, bringing in customers, or if something is just cosmetic. Some tycoons differentiate what each ‘floor button’ does by color.
The game passes don’t really relate to the game itself. Maybe a ‘golden bowling lane’ or something would be cool. (that might just be an overused gamepass idea for tycoons though, idk.)
I’m not sure what rebirths do in the game. It’s not explained.
The obby at the spawn is a little annoying, the camera trick thing made it easier. (camera goes through the object if you’d go through it) Anyhow, the x2 multiplier only applies to money you collect, not money you gain. I feel as though it should effect earnings from within the safe/vault, not the UI after collecting money from the safe. (the circle thing still teleports me if I the timer for receiving multiplier is still counting down. It shouldn’t teleport me and make me do it again imo.)
Eventually it gets slightly more annoying trying to get to the safe/vault to get your money. I’m an hour in at the time of writing this part of my feedback. Sometime after writing that last sentence, maybe 10-15 minutes, NPCs just stopped showing up to my tycoon. (I have NPCs turned on) My progress is indefinitely halted and I don’t think there’s anything I can do. (there’s no errors when hitting F9 either.)
After leaving the game and joining, I was surprised to see my data saved. NPCs came back after that. And, I didn’t notice it till now, but you can actually bowl yourself. It’s ‘competent’ enough, but my character was in front of the camera from time-to-time hindering the experience.
After upgrading walls, an NPC just got stuck and the pathfinding never stopped making the NPC run into the wall.