Qbot: A free and open source Discord - Roblox ranking bot

Hi NikkoGFX,

I hadn’t thought of that actually, but thank you for the suggestion! :slight_smile:
I will look into possibly making this another project of mine.

How do I make a shirt/ t - shirt in group that ranks a player up if they buy it.

Hey there, @ConclusionGiver.

Apologies for the late response, if you’d like help for making custom commands & other relevant content: we highly recommend for you to join our communications server. Would be brilliant if you have a knowledge of JavaScript, etc.


It’s a neat idea but what I have seen in the past people can use the bot to mess with your group and ranks

You’re in control of the bot, you can select the people who you wish to have access to the commands - we can’t control that. We do have a very good guide which gives you each step of how to set up your bot & it highlights that your bot should be set private & you should never share your Roblox cookie, it’s simply a login.

So, yes - you are right that others can abuse the bot, but we’re not responsible for your users to be abusing it. If you also follow our guide & use our brilliant support, you’re all good to go! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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When’s the expected release for this?

Hey! Sorry for the late reply, that was already released quite a while ago. Take a look at GitHub - yogurtsyum/in-game-ranking: In Game Ranking provides you a way to rank users in a Roblox group through a Roblox game. It's free, easy to setup, and unbranded! to start.

If you have any questions or concerns, let us know on our Discord server.

I’ve been using Qbot for a few months and works amazingly. Outstanding work from the developers of Qbot.

Is it only with Replit or VPS , or we can make it with Heroku?

Can we make using Heroku? I mean host it

I recommend hosting your bot with Heroku (paid) or Bloxy.PRO (free alternative)

make a shirt buy = group rank
system pls

Hey! It seems like the links to your discord are invalid, I’d appreciate it if you update them.

oh my god this is sooo useful, thank you so much for this amazing resource

This no longer works due to the “bloxy” module being deprecated and no longer working.