QClash Minor Update - August 8th, 2018

Follow up from yesterday’s update:


  • Slightly increased experience gain for healing and blocking damage
  • Fixed bug with deployables and shields that would allow them to autoheal
  • Payload can no longer be pushed or contested from behind walls
  • Flattened payload radius vertically by 15%
  • May have fixed bug that would make payload disappear randomly


  • Decreased time gained from capturing objectives from 3 minutes to 2.5 minutes
  • Increased attacker respawn wave time from 4s to 5s
  • Decreased defender respawn wave time from 10s to 8s
  • Decreased Argus Point C capture rate by 55%

Bacon Dam

  • Increased hill capture rate by 28%


  • Scrap
    • Rascal will no longer reset his scrap count on death
  • Launchpad
    • Rascal will gain assist when his allies secure a kill after using his launchpad
    • Rascal will be notified when his launchpad is used

-The Q-Clash Team

Last update log


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