QS Energy Research Facility - Kerman Update Changelog

It’s finally here!

I have never been been more happy to say, hello Quantum Science!
After 8 months of hard work from all the developer team, we’re back with perhaps the largest update - yes, including the megaupdates - that has ever hit QSERF.

But since the “megaupdate” naming scheme is overdone to death in the core game community, we decided to come up with a new naming scheme for future big updates, using the new lore that AnomalousBob and his team have establishing over the last few months.
So going forward, every big update to QSERF will introduce a new character to you, starting with Dr. Meredin Kerman.

Who is Dr. Meredin Kerman?

The fictional Мередин Керман, roughly latinized to Meredin Kerman, was Safety Supervisor at the Madison Research Center on August 18th 1985. He was born on September 6th 1956 in the Soviet Union, during the height of the Cold War.

Kerman spent his early life persuing a career in rocketry in order to advance the Space Race. After studying at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute for a few years, he began to branch out to being a lab assistant in multiple research institutes.

After graduating, Kerman was employed in the Strategic Rocket Forces branch of the Soviet Armed Forces, with his field research group researching into nuclear weaponry. However, from mid-1977, his group’s relationship with the State soured, leading to investigation from the KGB. Kerman quickly fleed to East Germany, and after making friends with scientists in the field, moved to the USA to begin his career at the Quantum Atomic Energy Corporation. By 1985, he had worked his way up to being employed by the government as a safety inspector for the Madison Research Center.

On August 18th 1985, Kerman’s day was fairly ordinary. He was called to a meeting at 11:46PM, and begrudgingly made his way to the Madion Research Center to attend. The disaster made itself known when he saw a bright flash followed by an echoing boom. Kerman made his way to the scene to discover that nobody knew what happened, and later testified this fact in damage assessment. He continued his work at various smaller Quantum Science laboratories following the collapse of the MRC.

Dr. Meredin Kerman was just another example of the thousands of people affected by what happened on August 18th.


That’s enough lore - on with what’s new, courtesy of SpxxdyDev! Buckle up.


Main changes

  • Rebuilt CR - Wild, Spxxdy, Bob, Loading, Enigma, Lectoric
  • Rebuilt Sector C reception & shaft elevator landing - Spxxdy, Bob, Loading
  • Rebuilt Cavern, CS15, & Secondary Cavern - Spxxdy, Bob, Loading, Lectoric, Enigma
  • Rebuilt Maintenance offices and areas surrounding it - Loading, Spxxdy
  • Rebuilt Hazmat Changing room and airlock area - Spxxdy, Bob, Loading
  • Readded Charlie-7 Labs (these have not been redone, if they are used we will redo them and add more content) - Spxxdy, Loading, Bob
  • Hundreds of new props/decor & remasters of old ones - Bob, Spxxdy, Loading
  • New elevators & doors - Bob, Spxxdy, Loading
  • Added PL & Crane destruction


  • Removed a lot of surfaceguis and replaced them with decals - Bob, Spxxdy
  • Removed a lot of unions and replaced some with meshes - Spxxdy, Bob
  • Undone unnecessary unions - Spxxdy, Bob
  • Removed useless details around the map - Spxxdy
  • Redone majority of props for better optimisation and looks - Bob, Spxxdy, Loading
  • Added Level of Detail settings which removes useless details and all that good stuff- Literally everyone
  • Reduced number of unused lights, surfaceguis and billboardguis in game - Spxxdy, Bob
  • Rebuilt power lasers, in order to reduce around 300k triangles
  • Fixed hundreds maybe thousands of building/collision errors

Lore-related changes

  • Updated areas to feature the new old QAEC logo - Bob
  • Corrected depth signage on both shafts to actually match between each other and be accurate - Bob
  • Converted the small SL3 area below electrical to be an Epsilon-8 entrance (cannot be opened) - Bob
  • Adjusted construction dates embedded to buildings to match with lore progression - Bob
  • Basement readded with hints as to what our next update might include - Spxxdy, Bob
  • Branded Project Helios under Beta-6 - Bob

Misc building changes

  • New Keycards, Keycard elevators - Bob, Spxxdy, Cleric
  • Readded seats & added spinny chairs (Not changed everywhere) - Spxxdy, Cleric
  • New Hazmat Suit - Bob
  • Hazmat showers - i will not hesitate to remove them if they are misused. - Spxxdy
  • Improved EFSS discharge FX - Bob
  • Improved Meltdown FX & SFX - Spxxdy, Bob
  • Redid reactor chamber signage
  • RO office building essentially abandoned now, in favour of filling up CS15 - Loading, Spxxdy, Bob
  • Removed Herobrine


  • Rescripted DMR - Sky, Terry, Cleric, Aerasto
  • Rescripted Grids - Sky, Cleric, Terry
  • Rescripted Meltdown - Sky, Terry, Cleric
  • Added P2 Shutdown - Sky, Terry
  • Rescripted Warhead - Sky, Cleric, Aerasto
  • Rescripted Nightshift - Sky, Terry
  • Rescripted All Elevators - Sky, Cleric
  • Rescripted Doors (never again) - Sky, Terry
  • Rescripted Blast doors, Intruder alert and door control - Sky, Aerasto
  • Rescripted/Added destruction - Sky, Tree, Terry, Spxxdy
  • Redone Intro - Enigma, Terry
  • Rescriped Tartarus - Sky, Terry, Aerasto
  • Kinda fixed the gun system - Terry
  • Rescripted GEMD and Anti-Gravity chamber - Terry


  • Removed Raider Spray
  • Removed turbine hall warhead key
  • Removed Topside dataheist terminal
  • Raider rules rewritten (READ THEM PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD)
  • Added TRU juggernaut suit
  • SL1 Key spawn moved to cavern cargo bay #1
  • Team caps changed to 12v12
  • Moved SL1 raider spawn to turbine hall
  • No kill zone/neutral zone established in SL1
  • Jetpack now requires 75% health to work
  • Limits for types of weapons implemented (rpg and minigun) 2 of each for both teams - may change as we go
  • Blast door override requires 5 QSO now
  • Dataheist requires 6 QSO now
  • Only one dataheist floppy disk is allowed out at once (meaning you have to protect the person who has it)


  • Added hard hat givers around the facility - Bob
  • New/Old FAAS Voicelines - DT
  • New P2/Warhead Voicelines - Tan
  • New Generic Voicelines - rrod197, Yordanian, DRAlexDamaging and more
  • Added more turbine controls - Spxxdy, Cleric
  • Reordered security cameras so they make some sense now, they’re numbered so that they go from the top of the facility downwards - Spxxdy, Yordanian

Oh yeah, we just casually rescripted half the game in this update, as you do.



  • Dominus_Loading
  • AnomalousBob
  • SpxxdyDev
  • Lectoric
  • Treency
  • JustSimplyWild


  • imskyyc
  • terryiscool160
  • company113
  • EnigmaTech
  • Aerasto
  • Treency

Combat devs

  • SpxxdyDev
  • terryiscool160
  • Aerasto
  • SST Weapons Analytics


  • Lavafactory
  • Yordanian
  • JordanLOL664
  • Xl1Explode1lX

Special thanks

  • Fhizix
  • Apollo1207
  • OrangePurgatory
  • Faythical
  • BeagleJones
  • BlahTimey

Thank you to the Quantum Broadcasting Corporation, who have already been making some amazing content with the new update. Keep working hard, guys!

And of course, thank you to the entire Quantum Quality Control team - cyclical and static, for helping us bug test this mess. This would not have been possible without you.

Closing words

I know it’s been a rough year so far for Quantum Science, but I’m confident that this is where things start looking up under my administration. Thank you all so much for your undying patience when we delayed the update yet again - hopefully, the wait was worth it. Next month, expect to see advertisements for QSERF on your front page, the release of some emote and roleplay packs, and some new teasers for our next game, Sitka National Laboratory. I hope you’re ready - this is just the beginning.

Thank you for reading, and enjoy the update!