Qualified Play Through Rate

What does it mean?
What exactly does a player do to impact it?
What qualifies as a qualified play? A player walking once? Talking?

Love to hear what you guys think about this and possibly have an answer.

Looking too boost the qualified play through rate section on my game but thats a struggling not knowing what a player actually has to do?

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Qualified Play Through Rate represents the number/% of players who, when shown your games icon/thumbnail on the Roblox site or app, actually press the Play button and join your game.
I think the biggest influence is how appealing your icon and thumbnail are to your target audience. We’ve got one game with a really good rate ~13% which we have never achieved with any other game. It does however have our best looking icon and thumbnail.

May i see the game?
space filler

Bungee Mania - Bungee Mania - Roblox
What I consider a reasonable icon for us. We’ve got no real skills in this area
Contract that with Monkey Poop - Monkey Poop - Roblox
It looks amateurish and could really do with more effort. I did try to sub it out on Talent Hub, but wanted the subby to have control over design, but they wanted a narrow brief. Probably after getting burned by other peeps saying their output didn’t match the expectation. One day it will get improved

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