Quality of Life improvements in Studio Scripting

This is neat. Are there any plans to add more of these QoL features?


Iā€™d really like the ability to add documentation to custom functions that then shows up like the built-in documentation.


Absolute W changes here especially the document symbol renaming


How do you get that? It does not work for me

Resume is not resuming my gameplay tests while I have this circled setting ticked and I get an error. Is this a bug?

I donā€™t remember activating this feature, so I was surprised when I was unable to resume out of errors recently (it was randomly ticked on.)


Is there any way to rename matching text and not just document symbols?

Isnā€™t that what Find All / Replace All does (Cmd / Ctrl + Shift + F)?

It should be Cmd / Ctrl + F12 or Right Click + Go To Declaration ā€“ if it doesnā€™t work, Lua might not know the type of the object.

For example, trying the feature on FindFirstChildWhichIsA will not work for the first example but it will on the second:

local function onTouched(player)
    local character = player.Character
    if (character == nil) then return end
    local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
    -- etc.
local function onTouched(player : Player)
    local character : Model? = player.Character
    if (character == nil) then return end
    local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
    -- etc.
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We learn things new everyday I guess. I thought CTRL + SHIFT + F only would find all, but apparently thereā€™s an arrow to replace all.

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