Quaternion calculation behavior is suddenly dramatically different, causing major issues

Updated the post and title to reflect the realization that this issue happens both in game and in studio, thanks to @HiddenKaiser

In Cabin Crew Simulator, quaternion calculations are suddenly producing dramatically inconsistent results as of today - after Roblox pushed an update to the client & studio.

Simplified prints showing the difference:

Studio Output before updating:

Studio Output after updating:

In many cases players are unable to enter the planes now, causing major issues for our game. This is how the jetways end up looking in game (incorrectly attached to the airplanes):

This suddenly started out of nowhere, with absolutely no changes made by us. We’ve attempted to change our methods (from CFrame.new() to CFrame.fromMatrix or also CFrame.lookAt), but nothing seems to help.

This is happening to many players across many different servers - we’re getting multiple reports. We’re also easily able to replicate it 100% of the time.

Expected behavior
Calculations should preferably work as it did before whatever change was made today.


Confirmed, I suddenly had issues with my quaternion calculations around 5:00 PM EST today. I checked in an old working place and the issue was there too.

I could not replicate it in studio until I restarted it and the “update” applied


Looks like this might be related to issues already reported in this thread.

Will mark this one as solved since staff in the other thread disabled the relevant flags causing the issues.

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