I got some bad news for you guys, turns out there’s something strange going on here
why is support lying to me, these violations still count as moderation action even if there’s no consequences, so what gives? yes the asset does fall under this category and should be taken seriously by all means, however this was already archived.
So support is telling me there is no moderation action that was taken, so in the first place how can the bot issue these if they don’t take action themselves, support just told me no action was taken, so why wouldn’t the bot take action if it was flagging me, basically implies it’s just gonna keep dupe abusing it’s power and keep doing it
So this basically means I still have 0 strikes correct, not trying to sound dumb here, it’s just always so vague with Roblox in terms of communication
Well, now that I know about the name thing, I’ll make sure to do that, but what about items with hashtags
If it’s not a DMCA, it’s not a strike, it’s just typical moderation or AI-Moderation.
usually a DMCA is more clear and will say who DMCA’d you in your messages
here’s examples of ones from users on the devforum
There was something announced that Roblox was going to do some pro-active IP removal
Possibly this is a manifestation of that?
Actually, if this was announced late last year, how the heck was my off-sale ambience audio suddenly taken down in early 2023 for a false IP violation? it wasn’t a DMCA either.
Why can’t support give me any information on a question I ask, support was never this bad in the past, why all the sudden this year they can’t answer any questions in a support ticket anymore, like @TheFreeThinker said with the canned responses, feels kinda illegal to moderate something then tell us “oh we didnt take action” they just lied right to my face.
I swear in past moderation wasn’t as bad, you just had to be be good about writing the support form, now all the sudden this year I can’t seem to even have my question answered, not only that they lied about giving me information, they didn’t even tell me the steps to take.
I’m getting really frustrated as I feel like the response instead of a plain no or we cant do anything, is now just we aren’t legally obligated to tell you anything
Lastly, one thing I want to mention is that when it’s a real human responding to the ticket, more often than not they will say your first name if it’s provided in your support ticket, the ai I find seem don’t say your name when responding to your ticket. this might not always be the case, but based on my previous interactions with support I’m pretty sure this is most likely if you start to take note of how different the responses are @TheFreeThinker @Truxton_Dogyuun @13_5G
So, does anyone know a good timeframe when human support is online?
I’m not threatening legal action or anything of the sort, I just want them to answer my question without blatantly lying to me, and for the first time ever it feels like this whole archival/violations/appeals tab opposed to the normal support form is a sham, that somehow the bots from the normal support don’t have permission to see, as if the violations in those tabs are swept under the rug from the normal moderation to see
That may have been part of a purge as well that was only focused on audio.
Edit: Sorry, this post was partially put together, then abandoned it to think it over for a while then forgot about it and it got mixed up when I was making a reply to ghostintheshell. But if memory serves me correctly there was a whole thing with audio on Roblox where there was a massive purge but nobody (maybe? this needs to be verified) faced any consequences because Roblox had to deal with complaints from a bunch of Music Labels but never told the rest of the Roblox community about the situation for several years.
I didn’t know that there was a distinction. Turns out every single time I have ever interacted with support… its been AI. Every. Single. Time. A real person never once read my appeals. Ever.
I mean, I’ve written essays in trying to make appeals to have one of my groups unlocked, politely asked more details as to specifically what lead to it being locked in the first place, but only to have the door slammed in my face repeatedly with a canned response with no further explanation.
I don’t recall a single time support was ever useful.
Do you know if these strikes go away after a period of time, I emailed both the ip_content and the copyright one on the day I got that strike so just curious if I will most likely a canned response for both those emails, bit worried that they will be confused and ip strike myself after reading those emails if its an ai
Yes, they do eventually go away.
How long, nobody knows. Months, years.
Roblox just doesn’t tell us for some reason and are conspicuously cagey about it.
I’m worried that I’m dmcaing myself now though, since I emailed both the same to delete assets?
@TheFreeThinker I emailed ipcontent_removal_request@roblox.com and copyright_agent@roblox.com in both I provided my account link, usernames, and assets I would like deleted, they wouldn’t go as far as dmcaing myself and thinking its another user right? I’m 18+ id verified, and contacted them from same email my account is hooked up too
I apologize for all these questions, really appreciate the help, I just thought now that I hope that these responses don’t result in roblox thinking I’m being dmca by another person when I’m requesting the take down.
Only thing I do know now though, is to never appeal in the help/violations tab as the bot always upgrades the moderation action.
Maybe support was right, and it’s just it wasn’t moderated the bot was just telling me they cant reinstate it as its a violation of IP/trademark,
but why wasn’t the asset deleted, roblox is just telling me I have to delete it myself maybe?
Anyways, point of the matter is roblox doesn’t accidentally dmca the user that is requesting take down themselves right?
The Takeaway from this post is: Roblox doesnt delete the item that was striked they just re unlist it
I… don’t think that’s actually possible.
You should be fine, so long as they can link your account to the assets in question so they can verify you are the creator so they can proceed with archiving them.
The trouble is if and when the archiving actually takes place.
They say they aim to complete the process within 30 days but that turns into months to years.
I contacted copyright agent and no response after I asked a question to their automated reply
what did I expect lol