Hi guys, i just want to ask how does car chassis work like the one from jailbreak or mad city? There is little information about it and as far as i can tell, their chassis work pretty well and i only know how to do chassis with steer using hinge constraint, You know, the basic car chassis. If anyone know something, pls help me
You forgot to actually type in your description lol
I’m sorry. How do i do it? I’m new to this forum so i got little experience on how to use it
Also, you mispelled chases in the title (sorry if this comes out as rude)
Well normally, you should just see those words in the preview and you just delete all the words then type yours. But since you already posted, you should just edit the message by hitting the little pencil icon.
But i was talking about car chassis and i’m pretty sure this is not mispelled?
Oh you mean the part of the car, my bad.
and one more thing when i click the pencil icons. I see no description to be written. Is this ok?
When you hit the pencil icon, it should show up with what your message was before, it doesn’t say description. But when posting it, it’s describing what your post is about (elaborating on your title).
oh i see it now, thanks for your help