Question about copyright

Hello, so I’m apart of a dev team, so basically, we have a game based of GTA V map,
but there’s a trouble, we want to know, because we used some of the decals (as police department decals) and gas station decals, and well textures, will there be a trouble for this?
Here you can see some of the decals or map:

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Gta V outside of Gta V for people who can’t access the real Gta V? That sounds excellent (that is my first impression)

On the game itself, what you’re doing is something risky. Taking a big part of another game to make something that seems like a knock-off (from the eyes of anyone outside of roblox, like Gta V players) of the original game can get you in trouble, and more by part of Roblox, unless that you’re trusted by the roblox admins.
On the other hand, giving some players a similar experience to that of Gta V can make them happy and enjoy the game and probably you. You’d have given them what they can’t have, the experience of GTA.

Look at it this way (ignore the cursive if jokes are not allowed):

  • On an optimistic way, your game gets to the front page. As it is in the front page, it gets a good amount of people, with varying audiences depending on how it goes. Nothing ever happens with legal issues with Rockstar and it stays there. This is possible if rockstar doesn’t have as much trouble with some small gta game in a kid-focused platform.
  • On an even more optimistic way, rockstar gets you a role in their company due to the astonishing success your game made, and put you head-director of Grand Theft Auto games. While we’re at it you become god and king of the universe, whatever…
  • On a realistic way, rockstar will just look at the game and say nothing and do nothing because they don’t care because it’s a very small detail that means nothing out of a free, no commercial-focused game. That, or it will happen the same that happened to Pokemon Brick Bronze which had to be remade entirely because it had legal issues with Game Freak. These are the most possible scenarios.
  • On a pessimistic way, you get in legal issues with rockstar and, just like PBB, you have to modify your game so it doesn’t resemble their game. At most you have to pay a fine or go to jail while also getting in trouble because of roblox allowing this, at least you have to shut it down from roblox. This is possible if Rockstar has been involved in many copyright takedowns of projects and content that was similar to their original games. If you’ve seen the company do these kinds of things involving other people who were in the same scenario, you would need to change it.
  • On an even more pessimistic way, you die, or the world gets nuked because of you and the universe makes sure galactic history remembers that they have to hate on the guy who innocently made an open world game that wanted to resemble another one.

So, the answer is: It depends, if they were doing similar things involving copyright somewhere else, it’s possible they will do it to your project too…


Well, about the players, doesn’t really matters, we have a group with 30k members for the game so! it would be good, I hope we get an optimistic way xD!

You have to think that most front page games can work in an ordinary laptop, with simple mechanics and simple scripts, nothing that gets laggy in something that is not a gaming computer.

If your game can work on average computers, then you would have to worry on the quality of the game, not much on the players accesibility to the game…

You have a set audience, that’s a bonus part that will help to keep it alive…

Yes, we have chunk loaders and more stuff to make everything works perfect, all interactions can be clicked too, maybe, on description we can do like gta: RECOMMENDED: GTX 2020ti ( or titan ) lol…

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