Question about cutscenes

I want to make a cutscene but when I play it and reset my character, it resets. I don’t want the cutscene to get interrupted, how would I go about preventing my character from dying or being able to reset until the cutscene is over?

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Try setting the Camera’s CameraType to Enum.CameraType.Scriptable.

Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

I’m already using that for the camera angles but even with this I could just reset and stop the animation that plays on my character. I need a way to prevent myself from resetting or dying so that both the camera animation and the character animation would play out without interruption (besides leaving the studio)

local coreCall do
	local MAX_RETRIES = 8

	local StarterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui')
	local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')

	function coreCall(method, ...)
		local result = {}
		for retries = 1, MAX_RETRIES do
			result = {pcall(StarterGui[method], StarterGui, ...)}
			if result[1] then
		return unpack(result)

assert(coreCall('SetCore', 'ResetButtonCallback', false))

It doesn’t always work even with the loop. If I can still reset once then someone later down the line could discover that they could reset too. Is there any other way to do this?

local resetBindable ="BindableEvent")
    -- Implement custom reset logic here

-- This will remove the current behavior for when the reset button 
-- is pressed and just fire resetBindable instead.
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", resetBindable)

-- Setting ResetButtonCallback to false will grey out the reset button
-- in the menu and players won't be able to reset in your game.
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false)

Is from an announcement

I dont really get your problem, it works perfectly fine for me.

How about disabling CharacterAutoLoads of Players for a while if it is for all players and remove the characters? Because, how are you going to reset something that you don’t have? Maybe it will work.
Then you reload their Characters or activate it again if you don’t have a system for that.