Question About Decal Approving/Declining

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    An answer to my question.
  2. What is the issue?
    I was wondering, are decals approved by bots or people?
  3. What solutions have you tried so far?

Hello! I was wondering, do bots or people approve decals? I made a decal, uploaded it, and it was declined. I see nothing wrong with the decal, but it was marked as inappropriate. I appreciate any response I can get as I genuinely am wondering.

This was the decal. It was an ad (as a decal for a poster) for a stage event with an NPC I am making.
socka ad


Pretty sure images are approved/denied by an automated system. Not quite sure why your decal in particular was declined, but sometimes the site acts up.

The only issue I can see with that decal is the t-shirt equpped on the avatar. If you see where the eyes are positioned you can see why it might falsely trigger the automated system. Just unequip it and then you should be ok.

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