Question about DevEx requirements

I’m no where near the point of getting to DevEx, but I have a couple questions about if I could be rejected for my previous moderation history. I have been banned for 7 days once, and banned for 1 day before (both of these happening about a year ago, by the time I devex, it might be around 2/3 ish years from now). I know depending on how long ago the moderation action took place and how severe it was, is a part of it. Are infractions relating to messages in the chat ruin my chances at being able to DevEx? I don’t know how bad it is in their eyes, and I have changed quite a lot since these actions so I am curious on this.
Edit:(Just a quick side question, are you able to dispute devex rejections, just want some transparency if it does get rejected whenever I do send it)

TD;LR wait a few years and you’ll be probably fine

Any sort of moderation action will be taken into consideration when you register for DevEx. Your 7-day ban and 1-day ban probably will heavily affect your chances at being able to DevEx, as being banned means that you broke a very serious rule. If you manage to keep a clean record for a few years, these moderation actions from a while ago (a few years ago) probably won’t affect you as much.

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how long is like a few years as you are saying it? 2 years?

A few years is a few years. Your record will always be available to anyone who views your moderation record. It’s just that if they feel like it’s been long enough and that you have changed, they will approve your DevEx request.

BTW you might want to read this (found here):

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Thank you so much for the help so far. Also one last question lol. If I get rejected and keep sending each month, will that affect me in anyway? I’d want to know as soon as possible when they think its time for me to DevEx. (I know it could probably be annoying, and it could be viewed as being desperate)

Ah so even if its been so long since the infraction, I could still be declined. I hope chat moderations aren’t considered, “egregious” :slightly_frowning_face:

I do hope though they get to see the chat messages, as I don’t think I got the right punishment for the 1 day one, nor should I have gotten a punishment at all.

Uhhhh probably don’t request every single month. I think around once every 3-6 months will be fine.

If it were only moderations related to chat messages, they probably won’t affect you as much as other types of infractions. We all know sometimes Roblox’s chat filter and moderation will moderate something that isn’t breaking any rules :pensive:

yeah all of the moderations were related to chat messages, I do think though the 7 day one I messed up pretty badly, but as it was my oldest moderation I don’t think it will effect too much hopefully.

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Anyways, thanks so much for the help @incognitobot_rblx, gave me the reassurance I needed lol. I thought I was done for in doing DevEx. :heart:

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