Question about Game Security

Hi, I have a question about game security!

I am fully aware that there is a topic with the exact same name here but their question is completely different and is about an inventory system and to my knowledge there is no other topic about this question.

How do people get copies of games?

Let me explain.

I’m sure we’re all aware of games like “Pet Simulator 99”, “Murder Mystery 2”, “Theme Park Tycoon 2”, how are people managing to get modded versions of the map, and EVERY SINGLE aspect of the game, every UI, literally anything in the game is in the modded version, but usually everything’s free.


Pet Sim 99 Modded [🎃SATURDAY!] Pet Simulator 99 Modded! - Roblox

Real Petsimulator 99: Pet Simulator 99! 🎃 - Roblox

Real Pets Go! PETS GO! ✨ [NEW] - Roblox

Modded Pets Go! PETS GO MODDED! 🌔 [HALLOWEEN] - Roblox

Pets Go literally JUST updated today with the halloween update, and everything from that update is already inside of the modded version of the game.

I only really see Big Games games getting modded like this, no other game I see get modded often. (It does happen but not often)

The question is…

How are people getting their hands on the games, and brand new updates, and is there any way I can prevent something like this from happening in my games?

It’s gotten to the point where I think Big Games just stopped doing anything, because this Pets Go has been up forever.


in expliots, there’s usally I think a function to literally just save the game. Not server things though.

Some expliots or hacks might be able to literally download the full, entire game, which is not good.

Well, big games takes down the modded versions or copied versions of pet simulators. That’s why oyu don’t se emuch, you oculd try oidng gggggggggggggggggggty5555555557777777777777777777777777 thtaaat ijn otfer to prevent your game from being stolen or reuploaded as ma moddemd m version.

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Exploiters are able to access anything that the client has access to, so they can see (and save) all:

  • UI
  • Map features / buildings
  • Local Scripts
  • etc.

Usually, these copied games simply download the client stuff (above) then pair it with some simple (sometimes ChatGPT generated) server-sided code to make everything else work.

To stop it, you can’t really do much!
You can try hiding code within the local scripts which cause problems if the place id doesn’t match up with what you expect, however they can always remove these with minimal effort.

You can sometimes DMCA these games, assuming they are actually using the exact assets and stuff, however because it is a legal process it can be time consuming and for some people it just isn’t worth it.


BUt hwo did they get the assets of the update from Pets Go instantly?

by literally downloading the game, aka what he just said

Okay, but assuming the stuff is all server-sided, hwo do they get the scripts then?

did you read his reply fully? he said they either code it themselves or use AI

I read his full reply. AI isn’t the best at coding, so I am just surprised that AI could’ve done that.

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As I said in my initial response, they use AI OR they code it themselves.

They get the assets instantly by just joining the game and downloading it.

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Is there any way to prevent them from stelaing assets of my games? I put all the main essential scripts that are for everyone and not the client in sss or ss (serverscriptservice or serverstorage)

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They can’t access server scripts, regardless of where it is stored.
Note that assets (NOT server scripts) can be accessed by the client if it’s in replicated storage, and similar places, so if you have secret stuff then they should be in server storage.

Beyond that, you can’t do much.