I tried to walk around a bit but I can’t find an answer to my question
My Question is
How Much Places can have an Experience in Roblox? Is there a limit?
(Place inside the game) More Info About that here
Thank you.
I tried to walk around a bit but I can’t find an answer to my question
My Question is
How Much Places can have an Experience in Roblox? Is there a limit?
(Place inside the game) More Info About that here
Thank you.
To my knowledge, there’s no limit to places inside of games. Even if there is, it should be a lot, because I’ve seen games with a lot of places.
Hello, Thank you for you’re answer
Are you sure? because for my game to work correctly I need to create about a 20 place
so I ask if it is possible to do it, because if not I would have to totally change my mind of how to structure it
You should be able to make 20 places, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a game with well over that amount.
There are no limits as far as I know but every place must contribute to the experience (They cannot be made with the sole purpose of hogging up server space).