Question about Gui frame Absolute Position

I have 2 questions:

  • does the absolute position of the GUI frame show the position of its top left corner or it shows the position of its Anchor point?

  • how can I set the absolute position of the top left corner of a frame?

Thanks in advance

At its anchor point

Set the anchor point to (0, 0) then set the frame’s position to (0, your X value here, 0, your Y value here)

Both your X and Y value should be measured in pixels

It seems that the Absolute position is influenced by the Gui inset?
I cannot imagine why this property is called Absolute position:

This is a frame with Absolute position = 0, 0


Yeah that’s a little odd. Try turning off the gui inset and see if it works

yes, the reason is the gui inset
but 2 frames having the same absolute position are placed on a different place on the screen, depending on the gui inset attribute.
this makes very difficult to position a gui element at the same place as another gui element if the 2 are in different gui parents.

Fair, but I don’t think that’s really a scripting issue. I don’t think this belongs in the scripting support topic

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