Question about logging

Recently i made a logging system with to track errors/remote event firings to fix bugs / exploits. one of my friends told me i shouldn’t be doing this and that its against TOS? Is this true? Is it not permissible to log errors and remote events?

as far as I know it’s not against TOS, after all you’re not passing valuable information just errors, also using webhooks isn’t against TOS either.

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i see. ill wait a bit more for more opinions. thank you for your time

bumping this cus i still need answers

All games do this, including mine. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be allowed.

there’s nothing wrong with that but keep in mind if the webhook gets spammed/abused there’s a chance that discord will take action on your discord account

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Discord themselves said that they don’t want it used as a logging service.

I use a proxy that complies with the rate limits of discord. It should be fine, then.

here’s a tip, try wrapping your http request in a pcall in-case hyrda goes down then if it erros you can have another thing on standby ready to step in if it goes down.

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