Question about NPCs and animations

I wasn’t sure where to put this, but I figured this would be the most helpful of them all.
So, I got some NPCs, they do your basic npc shenanigans.

However, this one curiosity really bothers me;
Should I place NPC animations inside of the NPCs?

Or should I place them outside of the NPCs, somewhere else like SeverStorage, Replicated or Workspace?

My original intent was to reduce Instace count and to make it easier to replace or add animations, instead of doing it for every single NPC.

In terms of performance, is this method more effective?

If you are using animations i would probably put them inside a folder and then clone the folder into the npc and iterrate all the children of the folder to load the animations so they are ready to be used. In terms of performance it shouldnt make much difference in most common approaches but its more about prefered methods that work reliably.

You could probably load an animation onto an npc each time you want to play it but that reduces the speed and reliablitiy