Question About Owner Group And Games

My main account got deleted, but the group ownership is still tied to that account. I submitted a ticket to transfer ownership to my alt (which has full group permissions), but it was denied.

Should I create a new group and reupload the games? (btw i dont really wanna do that , since my game still has active players.)

If I continue updating the game under the group—which the owner is banned—could there be any issues in the future?

Unless you set it up so 100% of the group payouts are sent to your alt previously, then you’re going to be losing some/all of the revenue from the game if you don’t change where it is hosted.

(I’m assuming that the game in question is “Pls Donate A Baseplate”. The stats on that game are… suspicious, to say the least - you haven’t been botting the game, have you?)

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its [🗿ALPHA] - Wjbu Tornado - Roblox

In that case, just reupload it to a new group
It doesn’t have a high enough player/visit count that you need to worry about losing players by migrating it. it’s much better in the long run to ensure you have access to the owner account, as you have more control over the game and can access all the revenue.