Question about scripts being in a players character

Can an exploiter read or edit the source of a server script if it’s in a player’s character?

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Script.Source or LocalScript.Source can be accessed only in studio

I believe exploiters can read and edit local scripts. Sorry, but your answer does not help.

they can execute local code that visible only to them
exploiters cant change source of scripts neither read

So does that mean they can’t read or edit the source of server scripts?

They can’t edit the source. This will cause a lacking permission error.

yep also ServerScriptService and ServerStorage could be accessed only through server
the only way they can do some changes for server is find lack of security in your remote events and fire custom argumets for example

game.ReplicatedStorage.SomeRemoteEvent:FireServer("password or some check idk", "kick", somePlayer)

Client hackers can not run or edit code on your game servers.

Otherwise it shouldn’t really matter, if you are hoping being unable to read scripts will make your scripts less hackable we call that “Security through obscurity” and is widely regarded as a joke, not secure.

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