Let’s say hypothetically someone stole a game and the game was made up entirely of free models.
Would the owner of the game that was stolen be able to legitimately file a takedown request if the game is made up entirely of models that are FREE and anyone can use?
I’d believe not simply because they are obtainable without stealing. I’m not a professional though.
Technically it is still their game, they created the concept, they placed the models were they are so yes. I would say they would be able to take down the stolen game, since they still put their ideas and work into creating the experience for a player. It’s still made by them so if the entire game was stolen, then yes you would be able to.
You cannot copyright a game concept or where the models are placed, however you can copyright the source code, graphics and other game assets.
Can you file a takedown request if the person made the game based off your game?
If not then you could just go to toolbox and put those models in the exact location
No but if it’s the exact same game with the same models same concept. He’s not asking about if a person can file a DMCA because the game has the same models and same concept. He’s asking if a person can file a DMCA if a game is stolen (meaning identical) to the one that used free models.
Even If the design it’s different you still have copied the game and it shall be able to be taken down. Remember about Pokemon? Copied, removed.
I believe he’s talking about any assets that are obtainable via the toolbox.
Anyhow, I think if it’s an exact replica including scripts, animations, and graphical assets then it could be taken down, otherwise, a few changes could change the situation.
EDIT: @dani31c I believe that was because the name was exactly the same and used content from pokemon such as the graphical assets. Loomian legacy is basically a version of pokemon
I’m pretty sure he’s talking about the entire game being stolen.
You said before surely “Im pretty…”. Meaning you din’t tet the hook until then. Anyways. Copy = Copyright claimable.
If the game is 100% free assets, without any adjustments - then no, you can’t file a DMCA take down request. Free models are to the public domain. You cannot copyright something that is to the public domain without modification.
Edit: There’s also a differences between a copyrighted property (Pokemon, they own the trademark to the name and it’s assets such as Pokemon types and other trademarked or copyrighted words/characters/etc.) - They weren’t taken down due to using Pokemon game assets (meshes, models - As I’m pretty sure they were all made by the studio and not stolen from a Pokemon game) but rather their logo, their characters, etc.
Then wouldn’t those who uploaded the free models be able to claim it in your game?
They’ve uploaded the free models of the purpose to share it among others where if everyone has the right to use it, person A could say that they looked at person B’s work and used it as reference.
Exact replicas would be claimable but if there is a twist then I don’t think it’s claimable. (something like as the change in the name)
Theft of any kind is low but if your game is just a clever assortment of toolbox assets, don’t bother. Not only is your case probably not worth picking up but you can save yourself the headache of going after others for something they could do on their own without exploiting.
Not to assume the mindset thieves adopt but they’re generally uninterested in your game if there isn’t some kind of value to be found out of it. A game with free models won’t have as much value to be stolen let alone leaked as something fully fleshed out and evidently able to yield profitable returns.
I don’t think that they would because free models are available to everyone for use.
It can’t be copyrighted if it’s available to the public for use.
Depends, logically copying the entire gameplay models is obvious that can be taken down.
This was bumped but, technically it is still their game so you shouldnt try this.Stealing is low and nobody should do it.