Question about storing inputted chat/text

I’ve already read up on a few related posts, but I still had some queries about this.

This is related to filtering inputted text chat by a player.
So I’m assuming the same TOS apply from 2019 for ensuring the filtered text chat service is used when communicating between players. (Is this the same for 17+ users? as it is for 13+)

I have some ideas for some games but I need to clarify some features whether I am allowed to implement them or not.

  1. I’m assuming we still can’t make a custom chat using a custom filtering system made by ourselves?

  2. Am I able to save unfiltered text, manually view it and decide whether it actually needs to be filtered or not? (I’m assuming not)

  3. Can I make a feedback system where only I can read the passed raw text, or would I still have to filter the text that I’m reading if done through Roblox. Is the only workaround for this to send the raw text to a 3rd party source?

  4. The rules state that any text sent by a player needs to be filtered if another player is going to see it. But would I be able to make a local notepad, where the player can save text written on it to a datastore, then retrieve it, but only they are able to view it? No other players would be able to see this.

If a Roblox developer is reading this, are there any plans to improve/fix the filtering system? As it’s pretty atrocious, it’s understandable for under 13s, but for 13+ users it’s way over the top and should be using a blacklist method instead of whitelist. Because there’s no consistency to this system… one moment you can type numbers and say words that would normally get filtered to having every next word or letter sent get completely filtered.


Unfortunantely Roblox does not allow most of what you are suggesting.

  1. No, you can’t make custom filters

  2. You are technically allowed to save unfiltered text, although you would have to run it through the filter when retrieving it

  3. If you are retrieving it through Roblox you would still have to filter it, as you count as another player different from the person who submitted it. The workaround you mentioned would work (quick note Discord blocks Roblox requests)

  4. Stored text has to be run through the filter when retrieving it, there is no specific exception for when only the player who saved it in the first place can see it

(Roblox can technically ban you for whatever they want, these answers comply with their guidelines and is accurate as of the date of this post)

Source: Text Filtering | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


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