Question about the GameJoin API

So, I have recently found this GameJoin Api and I was curious to learn more about it, but I could not find anything. So, my question is, how would I use this one if it is possible?

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It’s an HTTPS POST request. Send a POST with the headers for authentication and what it needs in the post body and then that is pretty much it.

For example, /v1/join-game:

  1. Prepare body (and the proper authentication aswell):
    “placeId”: number,
    “gamerTag”: string,
    “isPartyLeader”: boolean,
    “isPlayTogetherGame”: boolean,
    “browserTrackerId”: number,
    “isTeleport”: boolean
  2. Send the request

what does the gameid mean? is it the same one from the game page or is it different

It is the games JobId, which is the unique identifier for the server.

Read more here: DataModel | Roblox Creator Documentation

IIRC, you can’t just send a POST and expect it to work. I believe only requests that originate from are approved.

If you put ‘Referer:’ header then it’ll bypass it