Question related to LocalizationServices.
Hey there developers!
(warning: if anything is unclear, reply to this message and i’ll make sure it’s clear.)
I’ve recently learned the LocalizationService instance, and I quickly learned how to use it in the most effective I could.
I’ve made an AntiCheat for my upcoming game.
I have a question about this:
The ROBLOX Documents CLEARLY states that you are NOT allowed to track a (kids) location.
Am I allowed to get info about the hacker using LocalizationService?
Currently I have:
PlayerName, UserId, Country Location, Type of Hack, Type of Action Completed (kick, warn, etc.) & Type of Script.
The 3rd one is the most important though, since the ROBLOX documents state you aren’t allowed to track a (kids) location, am I allowed to use this for my AntiCheat?
Any response is appreciated! <3