Question about this badge

There is this official roblox badge that you can get and its called the " Official Model Maker Badge" And I have 2 question about it
The badge:
Question 1
Is this badge still obtainable?


I haven’t seen anyone obtain this badge in a long time

Question 2
To obtain this badge do you have to make a model that is made with only roblox/ Are meshparts allowed.


I ask this because everyone who obtained this badge, obtained it of a model that doesnt have a single meshpart.


In theory yes, but as per your observation, it hasn’t been given out in a while.

No. Your model needs to be officially endorsed by Roblox. As the badge description states: “This badge is awarded to members whose creations are so awesome, Roblox endorsed them. Owners of this badge probably have great scripting and building skills.”

TL;DR: Your model needs to be handpicked by Roblox, usually because it is high quality, likely customizable, and usable in a lot of scenarios. Unsure if the program still exists, as it is barely given out, but AFAIK it is not formally retired.


There is not any mention that it has been discontinued as far as i am aware so you should still be able to get it, for the second question your model must be selected by roblox, but it still unknown as to what requirements are there and to exactly how can a model get roblox’s attention.

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