This question has been floating around on my mind lately. What would happen to your DevForum account if you update your Roblox account’s age to <13?
Let’s say I make an account that is 13+, andI have a DevForum account with it. However, I update the account age to <13, and since the DevForum prevents <13 accounts from logging in, what would happen to it? Would I get denied access? Or would I still be able to log in? Now I know I can find the answer to this by making an account or changing my account’s birthday and testing it out myself, but I feel that is just a waste of time just to find out an answer to a simple question.
It would just lock you out next time you try to sign in. It doesn’t suspend the account or anything, (EDIT:) and it doesn’t boot out existing sessions.
So, yea. It showed me 1st “Add your parents email” and I get 2 opinions. 1. Return to or 2. Do it. And I did use my email and then got the error message:
I went to the Federal Trade Commision website and search COPPA and went to the text rules (Tittle 16- Chapter 1- Subchapter C - Part 312.2) and this is what they state “ (2) Authorizes any collection, use, and/or disclosure of the personal information”.
In some websites, you need to put your birthday to get “Robux” but really what they are doing is stealing information about you. That is why people (like scammers) go to prison.
There is no use in selling a persons DoB, the only reason scam sites ask for that is to seem more legit considering large corporation sites ask the same question.
DoB can be useful if stolen along with things like names and emails, but other than that it has 0 use.
The DevForum is not complaint with many child safety laws. Addidionally, a few TL0+ (anyone who signs in) categories include profanity not visible for users under the age of thirteen.
As someone who programmed a lot at age 11, your brother may have knowlege of the languages but he will cringe at his older code even if he is an expert.