Question Concerning SavePlaceAsync()

Currently I’ve been in the middle of several rounds of ideas for a persistent battlefield based game. Technical details of the concept aside, I do not see any information on if a place created through CreatePlaceAsync() will allow more than one server instance - thus causing data conflicts when the map saves.

Do places that use SavePlaceAsync() only run a single server instance, or do I have to code a system that will teleport players to the first instance of that map created if a new instance is made. I’m kind of hoping it would look like this:

Main Lobby Place [Individual instances: 6]

Region 1 [Individual Instances: 1]
Region 2 [Individual Instances: 1]
Region 3 [Individual Instances: 1]
Region 4 [Individual Instances: 1]

I come from the era of personal servers, which uniquely only had one server instance due to the saving, so nothing was corrupted by overlapping servers. I just want to know if I’d have to code a script that prevents each region from having more than one instance, and if a new instance is created, attempt to teleport the player to an older instance or back to the lobby to choose a new region.
(I hope I explained that clearly.)

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As of right now, I am working on recreating personal servers and I use this API. I use a script to make sure there are never more players than the server size although I’m unsure too if it allows multiple server instances (I do this just in case too).
I’ll see about doing some tests tomorrow if this question isn’t answered by then as im on mobile right now and going to sleep.