Hi, I’m wanting to make a speech bubble GUI For My Game, But I have no idea how to make AnyThing like Speech Bubble GUI. Here’s a sample:
Now idea of how to make the script or what kind of script i need
Anything helps, thanks
Hi, I’m wanting to make a speech bubble GUI For My Game, But I have no idea how to make AnyThing like Speech Bubble GUI. Here’s a sample:
Now idea of how to make the script or what kind of script i need
Anything helps, thanks
So like a chat bubble shows up for the server when your like typing in the chat?
When the player triggers the proximity prompt you want to force him to send a message?
An easy way to do this is grab a reference to the player’s Character, and use the Chat:Chat function to put a message above their head, but it won’t be sent into the actual chat system. To make it look like a proper chat message, make sure to use the Enum.ChatColor.White enum for the chatColor parameter.
To make it appear on the Chat box, you can send the message by the server and make it look like the player sent it, make sure to filter the text with FilterStringAsync