Question: I am making a Roleplay game, Should I?

My game is a ERLC and Greenville mix.


If it is what you like to make, and you are going to make it good quality, I think you should!


Most roleplay games get trollers

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Do you want to make the game? If you want to, do it! I think that is an amazing game idea.


:open_mouth:, then i should make a rank that people can quite easily achieve if they play serious and get spotted, and that rank can kick people

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Finding a programmer is harder then you thinkm

?, i don’t understand, it was about the trollers right?

Yes. But programming is hard. Think I need a admin system. Alot of other things

I understand that programming is hard. If you can’t find a programmer that works for free, then you can use YouTube tutorials to try and learn how to script. As for an admin system, you can us HD Admin or Kohls Admin, etc. You also might need a moderation team and a report system.

You’ll need a moderation team to prevent trolls. If you don’t want to hire one or have friends moderate, then create a high rank in a group for trustworthy members of your community. Obviously, this group rank should be unbuyable; if you were thinking of selling ranks, don’t, because it’s an easy way for trolls to get power.

You’ll need a report system just in case someone exploits or trolls. You might be thinking that Roblox has one for you already, but I’m talking about a report system for your game. If someone exploits, they won’t get banned from Roblox, but from your game. The same moderation team you appointed for your game would have to read reports, and see which ones are trustworthy, or keep a close eye on those who were reported.

All in all, I’d say if you want to make a roleplay game, go ahead. There is a large part of the community that enjoys roleplay games/groups. However, it has to be high quality to get a large amount of concurrent players.

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Trollers are a part of life. There’s not much you can do. Don’t worry as people can/will void them. Private servers for RPing are a good way to go with trusted admins for foolproof rpers.

Now, it’s obviously an overused idea, but if you want to develop anyways, no one is stopping you. Roleplay games can pull in a lot of money, and kids have a lot of fun with them.

trollers are sometimes good for games if everyone is serious then new players will just leave.

Well the thing with RP Games on Roblox is that they make a LOT of robux but rarely get popular I say wait a couple months until Brookhaven dies out a bit and have at it.

Honestly, as long as you have the tools, knowledge, and resources to make a role-play game, go for it! Any type of game can become popular and people play a variety of games on roblox. As long as your game isn’t the same thing as another game, you should definitely go for it. Any type of game on roblox will always have a player base and there will always be people who take at least some interest in what games you make so if you have an idea that you like and your skill level matches that idea, don’t hold back!

I would give it a shot, but keep in mind, you will need to spend a solid amount on ads to gain a playbase. Roleplay games are always risky because they revolve around getting players and maintaining a constant playerbase.

I actually am trying to make a build for a roleplay game, maybe pets (which you CANNOT trade, just based on sheer luck.)
Some different houses, which don’t really have big spaces but you can buy more rooms to the house if you like.

This is just some stuff, I’m a solo dev so It should take a while… anyways good luck to all your games!