Question on Data store usage and storage

  1. What do I want to achieve?:
    K n o w l e d g e.

(on data stores)

  1. What is the issue?
    I don’t understand what this data value mean, and it seems to only be going up every time a value is changed (plugin shown is data store editor):

If I’m not wrong, this data is how much space is allocated to the data store, so what happen’s when there is no more space? Does it ever go back to 0 bytes? Can someone explain what this means please?

  1. What solutions have I tried so far?
    looking on dev forum but again, it seems I am the only one on the entire website who has ever questionned this.

4.More details
The amount of bytes goes up every time I change a value in the key. Example: [current bytes: 130] [current value = true] and then when i change anything [current bytes: 131] [current value = false]

I don’t understand what this data value mean, and it seems to only be going up every time a value is changed (plugin shown is data store editor):

I can’t really tell you why it changes without knowing exactly what you changed, but remember that data is automatically type-casted to strings prior to storage.

Which, deceptively, means that true takes up 4 bytes in storage, and false takes up 5 bytes in storage, give or take.

This is only for data. It does not take key names, datastore names and scopes into account.

Does it ever go back to 0 bytes?


A feature like this has very big implications especially on very big games. Imagine how frustrating it’d be for players to lose their data all of a sudden after grinding for a long period of time.

what happen’s when there is no more space?

You get an Error 105 - ValueTooLarge.
For context, each key can only store up to 4,194,304 characters/bytes.

it seems I am the only one on the entire website who has ever questionned this.

I didn’t pull everything I said here out of a hat - it’s right there in documentation.

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