I recently got my group verified on roblox but was wondering why the verified badge does not extend to the group owner. Do I need 10k followers? I already have double step verification and ID verified and I’m confused since I should have it. If anyone has an answer I would be grateful
I believe you count as a “contributor” so you also need to get 10k followers but i’m not sure. I think so but if the game wouldn’t be owned by a group then you wouldve gotten the checkmark instead
You should check the verified badge FAQ
Roblox issues Verified Badges in waves, typically every month. Might just be delayed, considering all the verified badge abuse that has taken place involving groups.
yeah I assumed this but its strange considering I’m the group owner and not just a “contributor”
most likely since I did see people using this to sell verified badges but hopefully I get it soon since I put in a lot of work to get my group verified lol