[Question]: Player FOV

Hello, as you can see from the title of this post:

I have a question for the player FOV (field of view) and I would like to figure out a way to solve it

I don’t want a player looking this far but how can I script a way for it not to look this far (it shows the trees and buildings)

I tried something like:

workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 50

My apologies, I’m clearly not known to FieldOfView


Are you looking for Player.CameraMaxZoomDistance ?



No, I’m trying something that doesn’t show the buildings and trees.

I tried it and It don’t work


You tried it in local scirpt?
If not then try.
If still not working try this(in local script):

local Camera = workspace:WaitForChild("Camera")
repeat task.wait() Camera.FieldOfViev = 50 until (Camera.FieldOfViev = 50)
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I tried FieldOfView but that wouldn’t work to be honest,

I’m just wondering if there is a script that can prolly can make the player show a certain distance, if not then I’ll resort to making a chunk loader or something.


You can use the atmosphere object in lighting to hide far away things with fog.

The higher the density the less further players can see.


You can use FogEnd if you want.
Try this script:

game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd = 50
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FieldOfView determines how many degrees a player can see, a FOV of 70 will let you see 70 degrees and a FOV of 90 will show 90 degrees, making it look more zoomed out and allow you to see more, it doesn’t determine view distance only how zoomed in the camera is, Only in horror/FPS games is it really very important

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FOV means how much on the left and right they can see not how far more if you have a high FOV you can see more to the side of yourself.