Question regarding 17+ guidelines on real-world depiction of "extreme gore"

I’ve been working on a 17+ game with zombie(-ish) characters for a while now, but one rule has had me a bit uncertain. The rule goes as following:

Restricted experiences on Roblox may include graphic and realistic-looking depictions of violence and heavy bloodshed, but we do not allow content that contains extreme violence or serious physical or psychological abuse, including:

  • Real-world depictions of extreme gore, graphic violence, or death.

While this felt contradicting at first, I began to wonder if, by real world, they meant direct content of gore from the real world or they mean realistic looking human models with gore.

You might think, “oh no worries, those blocky characters don’t come close to realism.” well the thing is I am using human-like models closely resembling those from games like Half-Life 2, this is where my concern stems from.

I would love for your interpretation of these guidelines, thank you.