Question regarding an extremely large game


Hi. First of all, I would like to thankyou for taking the time out of your day to consider reading through this lengthy message.

The game I am talking about is arguably the largest serious(ish) roblox based game, Emergency Response Liberty County, owned by Police Roleplay Community. If you arent involved in the community, which is perfectly fine, I will try my best to briefly sum up what it attempts, and normally fails, to accomplish.

MAIN GOALS OF PRC (Police Roleplay Community)

From now on I will be referring to the Police Roleplay Community as PRC.

PRC was first founded in 2018 by mrfergie under the development name High Voltage Studio. Their goal was to bring realistic roleplays to Roblox, with mrfergie developing for another successful roleplay based game, of which I forgot the name, however I believe it was Leon County, but im not 100% sure, so don’t take my word for it.

PRC originally started in 2018 I believe, using free decals & cars found in the toolbox, but slowly expanded to having revamps and is now mostly all custom modeled and made by PRC devs which is a very impressive accomplishment. However, the development side of ERLC is not where my concerns lay most deeply. Where I am most concerned is the moderation department of ERLC.


PRC is almost notorious through one of its most famous features, Private Servers, which is notable for its extensive customisation abilities, which leads to there being hundreds, possibly even thousands of individual communities dedicated to recreating, or completely creating new areas of real life through the customisation of their Custom Liveries, for having terrible moderation.

PRC moderators accept and decline Custom Liveries as a core part of their job, and it often takes up to one week to get a singular livery approved. These approvals are often extremely inconsistent and dont match up with their posted rules which can get frustrating at times, but is not something im concerned about as there is of course room for human digestion of different information and moderation for sure can get tiring so I understand that.

However, the PRC Moderation team openly does not enforce Roblox TOS in all areas they are supposed to and offer zero support or protection for livery or uniform designers to ensure that they are not stolen from.


I was made aware yesterday that a user, who I will not be mentioning, attempted to steal contracted professional liveries from a server with over 6,000 people in it, with the total of all the things that were stolen worth over R$15,000, which is roughly $187 USD.

The owner of this server was obviously distraught and attempts were made to remove the stolen assets from the possession of the thief. I am still currently unsure if the thief still has the assets or not, but that is irrelevant.

This is a clear moral wrong, but not only that, where the server is based (NSW, Australia), it is also illegal. According to the law, the person stealing is accountable for up to a $500 AUD fine and Imprisonment for up to 5 years if persecuted.

Not only is it illegal, but it is also against Roblox TOS.

  • “We do not allow users to discuss or engage in real world illegal activities or encourage others to do so on or off Roblox.”
    (See Terms of Service under Safety, Harmful Off-Platform Speech and Behaviour)

When a ticket was opened in the PRC official discord, the moderators took no less than 5 minutes to read through over 1,500 words and then swiftly denying requests for just a simple ban for quite literally breaking TOS, not just once but before. This user has hung herself off a crane ingame, jumped off a bridge and recreated terrorism events, all of which is quite clearly against terms of service. The response we received from PRC moderators were as follows.

"You can contact roblox. PRC is based out of the US, not Australia." (last is fair)
-- To take your game down?
-- You are in direct violation of Roblox TOS by not moderating this..?
"Report it to Roblox then"
"(image of a smiling man in front of a microphone)"

Proof 2

The ticket was then shortly closed by PRC mods.

If PRC sticks by their word, and doesnt moderate Roblox TOS, you can theoretically create a private server designed specifically to break various different TOS and PRC cannot take it down without being unfair on other users, which im sure they dont care about being fair but my point still stands I guess


Here are some facts I gathered from polling over 15 server owners with 1,000+ members in their private server.

  • All 15 server owners agreed that PRC Moderators are extremely lazy and often rude

  • 4 out of the 15 server owners agreed that PRC Moderators are often not fit for their position

  • 11 out of the 15 server owners agreed that PRC Moderators are often fit for their position, but bad at their job

  • Of the 11, 4 called PRC Moderators corrupt

  • All owners have experienced bad wait times and poor customer service after TOS Breaking has been apparent in other servers

Roughly 20 people asked questions

  • Half of the community agreed that PRC is at risk of take down
  • Of that, 90% agreed that it wouldnt be taken down because its to big now
  • Most were uninvolved in PRC Moderation because they believed it wouldn’t help them


I am not sure what to do, nor how to get the correct amount of attention on this matter. It is pretty well known that popular game MeepCity did not have moderation capabilities in it, nor did it enforce TOS whatsoever and Roblox took it down to force Alexnewtron (the creator) to implement moderation, and force moderation to happen where it needs to happen.

Does the same need to happen to PRC do you think? I am not sure. The situation is very different to MeepCity, however the owners and moderation team refuses to cooperate by and enforce Roblox TOS

What do you think I should do?
If you know anybody that this may concern, please send this to them!!!
I think this needs to get out.

Thankyou for reading and have a nice day. :blue_heart:


Whilst editing I have changed a few things to fit more accurately to what actually happened. I tried to include as much proof as I could without incriminating the person stealing the robux, as well as not incriminating the victims as they both want to remain anonymous. The victim has been compensated and the thief has been handed over to irl police agencies where she lives and she is being talked to while I am writing this.

Please if you have any questions, feel free to ask :slight_smile:


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Just so we’re clear here, you’re talking about is someone trying to gain a copy of what is effectively just an image, something that is replicable at no cost? Looking online and from my own knowledge, there seems to be nothing disallowing you to have a copy of a digital asset, so long as you do not attempt to further distribute it (assuming you didn’t use illegal methods to get it, such as blackmail). Based on this, where are you getting that it is “illegal”, punishable by “up to a $500 AUD fine” and “up to 5 years” in gaol? As it doesn’t seem to be illegal, it also isn’t a breach of TOS.
If that ISN’T what is happening, then you haven’t been clear on what actually occur.

Then report the user to Roblox. It is made quite clear in the game’s Discord server that they will not moderate “Grey Area RPs - suicide, terrorist, etc”. They continue “unless a user is encouraging a user to commit suicide in real life, we stsand to leave this issue upon Roblox to do a proper investigation”.

20 people isn’t “the community”. Not by a long shot. In actuality, I would expect less than 10% of people (likely way less) are concerned “that PRC is at risk of take down”.

From experience, their moderation team does handle things quite well. If you try to report things that they have made clear they won’t moderate (e.g. gray areas), then you can’t turn around and complain when they don’t moderate it.

Literally nothing.

TL;DR You’re wrong.

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Nothing burger, i saw the entire thing and you have no legal case and PRC doesn’t have to do what you want them to do.

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Honestly, alot of people might instantly disagree because “ERLC” is a big game but the game doesn’t enforce robloxs tos properly at all and i agree with this. Only when it contains chat logs or exploiting. But if it anything else not allowed like putting discord invite links in the private server descriptions which not only bypasses the filter but is available to users under 13 which is not allowed at all

Do people still do this? Yes. Does ERLC allows it? Yes.

About the ERLC moderation team. The game itself is a great game but the moderation team seems to not properly moderate anything and are sometimes harassing people it seems like. I saw clips of moderators not caring or even just banning people because they can. Report it to roblox because their moderation team doesn’t do anything.

Regarding reporting a ERLC Moderator, honestly i got no info about this so it could work or not.

This is just my personal opinion and i don’t want to call out anyone. This info is all alleged and not confirmed. I like the game designs and mechanics honestly.