Question regarding copyright inside Roblox universe itself

Im quite new in solo developing a game on Roblox. And sometime’s when its come to decal and texture, i usually grab one in toolbox (Which is mostly made by other people). So here’s my list of question.

  • Is it true that some model on roblox toolbox is copyrighted? (Which mean i can’t use it without their permission)

  • Is some decal/texture copyrighted? (Also mean i need their permission to use it

This question might sounds silly. But better be safe than being in trouble in the future



No assets in the marketplace are copyrighted. You just have to mention its creator. Decals and textures that contain real-life logos and brands are copyrighted and trademarked. Such as the Cola Cola logo and so on.


Just a small warning to some people in terms of the texture use of Roblox IP.

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