Question Regarding Rumors I've Heard Recently

Hello! This probably seems like a very useless question but it is quite important to me. I have heard some rumors that there is an upcoming update to the way that R15 & R6 are handled. To my understanding they are going to remove R6 in favor of R15 characters with less joints? Is this correct or am I misinformed.

This is based off of what I heard from rumors and leaks, so It’s not confirmed, but I do want to be cautious depending on if someone assures me I have interpreted the rumor/leak correctly.

I need to make sure as if I hold the correct interpretation of the upcoming update I’m not going to continue development on this platform, thanks.

I wouldn’t trust the leak, but even it states that you could still use your own R6 rig in your game. If it at all could possibly happen, Roblox would only remove the ability for users to use R6, not developers.
basically, nothing for devs would change

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This is just a scary future because even for devs deciding to use R6, it could deter newer users from playing games with R6 as it makes it seem foreign or strange. But other than that, have I interpreted it correctly, in that it would just be R15 with less joints?

R6 has less joints than R15, so (as long as I’m understanding you right), you’re correct

When I say joints I dont mean parts. I mean joints as in will they just use the same rig as r15 with less joints so the arms and legs cannot move seperately from the feet/thighs/hands/upper elbows etc

Oh, well in the case, I’m not exactly sure