Question regarding to Trade Send API

According to the trade V1 send api(“!/Trades/post_v1_trades_send”) the data format is as it follows:

  "offers": [
      "userId": 0,
      "userAssetIds": [
      "robux": 0

I’m assuming if I put the trade opponent’s userid, and the userassetid of the limited I’ll be sending and the same for robux, I would offer bunch of limiteds but won’t be able to request any.

Can anyone clarify the usage of this API?

The ROBLOX API documentation isn’t very clear. Your best bet is to ask a bot developer or web engineer.

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I guess Trade Hangout might use this, If they don’t they might in the future?

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am using this api

		offers: [
				userId: trader_id,
				userAssetIds: [items_want],
				robux: 0,
				userId: YOUR_ID,
				userAssetIds: [ur items],
				robux: 0,
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