Question relating to Star Wars and Copyright

I know that topics similar to this have been posted before but it seems that none of them really explain exactly what I am asking when it comes to Roblox, Star Wars, and Copyright Infringement.

So basically, my friends and I have recently started working on a game set in the Star Wars Prequels, where players can join and fight for either the Separatists or the Galactic Republic. I know that Roblox has done promotions for Star Wars in the past, putting many Star Wars-Related items in the catalog. This leads me to ask, would making a Star Wars game on Roblox be considered copyright infringement?

If anyone has the answer to this, please respond and let me know. Thanks!


Yes, it would. Roblox is the one who has permission from Disney to upload Star Wars stuff which came from a promotion agreement both companies have made and just because they had an agreement, it doesn’t mean that you can do the same. I’m not sure, to be honest, but I did hear that Disney has been coming down hard on creators for infringing copyright.


I don’t think so, I’ve seen a lot of other Star Wars groups and games and there nice and big, None that I know has been taken down for copyright tho, Not even a game that’s been up for like a year.

Only because those groups exist, it doesn’t mean that they can use Disney’s IP and get away with it. Sooner or later, the company will be asking Roblox to take care of those groups. I mean look at Nintendo and Pokemon Brick Bronze - Nintendo came down on Roblox for allowing PBB to exist and as a result, they took the game down.


Oh, Also some groups has “TM” in it and a mini “c” What does that mean?

TM - Trademark
C in a circle - Copyright

Those two are intellectual properties protected by copyright law.


But how would it protect those big star wars groups?

Thanks, we’ll probably continue to look into it and see if we could move in a different direction.

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It doesn’t. They’re using those incorrectly, therefore breaking the copyright law since they don’t own any of the trademarks associated with Star Wars.


This article specifically says, you need permission from the copyright owner; in this case, Disney.

If you read it a little slowly, that is what I said :woman_facepalming:

Yeah, I was just supporting you with evidence for this topic. I was just giving @Augustus_Khrushchev a website to read and understand what you said. This is why I quoted you, because I did not want to claim your reply as mine. :hugs:

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Good question, YES it is, are they at all likely to act on it NO.

Roblox has for an age now been home to these fan communities and and at first they were a a slight nuisance to lucasfilm, now roblox has grown, they are an asset. So no they are not likely to act but to be somewhat safe make sure you state it’s a fan group and you hold no right to the star wars name, characters or universe.
Note this won’t stop them from removing it but does somewhat improve you legally.

To sum up, yes it’s against the law as they have copyright but it’s doubtful Disney will stop you, at least at the moment.


Star Wars games have been made before without problem. As for Roblox’s deal, they probably still have the license but I can’t confirm that.