Question| What is the exact degree of the turn of a ROBLOX circle?

Today I have decided I needed to make a rounded wall design, during my work I wished to add windows and to perfectly fit them inside the space ROBLOX gives me in a circle segment. My question is what degree does the circle turn at exactly. So I can be able to clear out the space in the middle.


Thank you all.
Regards, ImpoweringSlavs



If you have gone through Mathematics, then you should know the answer to that is infinitely small. There is no precise degree for a perfect circle, though you can get close to it with this plugin.

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I am no where near intelligent, that is why I ask you amazing people. Any who thank you for the plugin!

I am glad I possessed the capability to assist you.

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You are not wrong, but that is not how computers make circles. Infinity small changes in degree means that it would take infinite time to calculate the circle (O(n) where n = ∞). So instead they choose x number of points to divide the circle into turning the circle from an infinite to a discrete set of points. Those points can be connected by lines creating a polygon resembling a circle. As x approaches infinity the polygon becomes closer and closers to a perfect circle. But we don’t need a perfect circle, we need a circle that is good enough to fool our eyes (Also performance reasons again). So whenever they were building the circle mesh they chose an x number of points that look good at practical scales. For whatever reason (likely performance or legacy) they did not make this x value scale with size so you can actually see and count the number of points they divided the circle into.

tldr; the reason you can make a circle out of parts that matches the roblox mesh is because the circle essentially is made of a set of parts.


This may provide you with an answer on how to work it out.

Count the faces on the cylinder and see if the polygon has a name, if it does then you can take the mean angle and assume that it is what roblox uses to imitate a cylinder.

EDIT: The roblox cylinder has 20 faces therefore it is considered as a icosagon, that should make your workout much more easier.

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If Roblox’s cylinders were divided into equal segments, the angle between each would be 360º/24 = 15º


However, as you can see in the image, these sides are not evenly sized (dark gray figure), and thus don’t match with the regular polygon (white).

I guess the best option in your case would be building your very own cylinders. Also, have you considered unions as a possible solution to this problem?