Questions about animators

I recently learnt that Humanoid:LoadAnimation() is depreciated and I should be using an object called an animator. I have a few questions about it. Like do I need one animator to load all my animations?
What must it be a descendent of for client side and server side animations? Also how will I completely stop an animation track when using animators?

I suggest reading the Roblox API for Animations. There they explain:

To play an animation on a rig containing a Humanoid object, such as typical playable characters, follow this basic pattern:

  1. Ensure that the local player’s Humanoid contains an Animator object.
  2. Create a new Animation instance with the proper AnimationId.
  3. Load the animation via Animator:LoadAnimation() to create an AnimationTrack.
  4. Play the track with AnimationTrack:Play().
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Must each player have their own set of animations or can I have one fodler in rep storage with all my animations and load them for each character?

It is most likely very inefficient to have a separate Animator instance for every animation you have. Alternatively, you can make a table containing all your AnimationIDs. When wanting to play an animation, you can change the AnimationID in the Animator to the selected animation, load the animation and then play it.

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