Questions about TOS regarding Gambling

Hello there. Here a Roblox game Developer. After reading Terms of Services in Roblox website, I don’t still get clear if I’m allowed to make games about gambling but not involving real money nor Robux. My idea is to make a casino where people can play games like poker, blackjack, slot machines… betting using in-game money. In-game money would be given users at joining for first time and each hour. There wont be way to get money in other ways, as I got clear that is is forbidden in TOS, this means, I wont ever include any system to buy in-game currency with robux<nor another ways. Would it be allowed in Roblox platform this way?


Roblox allows unplayable gambling content (e.g., showing a casino or non-playable characters playing cards) as well as games of luck and chance that are not casino or gambling based. However, it is against Roblox rules to implement any gambling or casino style games that involve real money in any way, including Robux, as Robux can be purchased for real money. Games should also be fair and not be skewed in the developer’s favor.

Based on this, it seems that the idea of you creating a casino where people can play games like poker, blackjack, and slot machines using in-game money would be allowed on Roblox platform as long as the games are not casino or gambling based. However, it is important to note that Roblox’s policies are subject to change, so it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the latest updates to the Community Standards.

Or I’m completely wrong, and I misunderstood the Roblox TOS.