I’m making an elevator game, with a unique indian twist. It’s really meant more for me to understand how to code. So a few questions. What is Cframe and Tweening? Can I use it to make elevator animations. Second, do you have any level suggestions. Third, how many levels should the game have?
CFrame stands for coordinate frame
its a group of 3 dimensional vectors (list of 3 numbers) that describe spatial properties of objects like position, rotation, front facing side, right facing side, and so on
tweening is changing properties of instances but smoothly instead of instant
The CFrame are like vectors, but more powerful, as they can store orientation, position, front face, side face, up face, e.t.c.
Tweening is usually used by developers to animate properties of Instances. Like position, Rotation, Transparency and more.
Don’t have any at the top of my head, sorry
As much as you think is necessary, you can always add more with updates so the game doesn’t get boring.