Questions regarding Private-Servers

Yesterday a number of users purchased a Private-Server subscription on my game. However today due to multiple reports of data-loss upon joining the game I have temporarily decided to close the game until it is fixed to prevent the risk of more losses.

How will the shut down effect the private-servers that players purchased? I know it will cancel their subscription but will they get a refund? If not I will refund them myself as they’re essentially spending Robux on a private-server for a day or two.

Any posts clarifying what happens to Private-Servers upon a game’s private-status changing would be greatly appreciated.


Generally, I believe said players don’t get refunded automatically. What I would do is add some quick compensation for those who had a private server, by just giving them some type of reward when they enter their private servers.

Keep in mind, a private server subscription lasts for a month, that is unless they keep buying more subscriptions.