Questions regarding tragic events

Hi. For the most part, the general consensus is that the depiction of most wars are allowed, so long as overly violent actions, especially against innocent parties are foregone in said depiction. However, there is always a visceral feeling often associated with certain conflicts, part of the reason why modern conflicts and events are for the most part frowned upon when capitalized. That held in mind, I am now asking a question regarding depiction of the Yugoslav war, more specifically constrained to the region of Bosnia, and whether it is permitted on the platform. Naturally, the ethnic cleansing issues associated with the conflict would be removed from any depiction on the platform, as well as the means of commuting said actions (artillery elements would be removed, constraining gameplay to small arms fire, along with the removal of any civilian groups, no destroyed buildings, no external nor internal damage to structures, otherwise pristine environment). My thought with this is that since events such as the Cold War, Vietnam, and Afghanistan to some extent have been depicted on the platform without issue, would an event that occurred over 30 years ago similarly be allowed. Regarding the connotations of the incident, would World War 2 not pose a stronger example of said actions and thus feelings regarding it? Or has time passed sufficiently to dull any emotion regarding it? There are multiple viewpoints that can be taken on this issue, and I’ve been unable to reach a firm decision, which is why I’m asking whether a depiction in this specific scenario would be allowed should the necessary precautions be taken.

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I realize that the length of my question may have been off putting to some, basically I’m asking if depictions of the Yugoslav wars would be allowed.


probably not I mean the images when I searched this war up

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If you don’t mind me asking, what was the main issue that you encountered with the images you saw? The content of which may not necessarily be innate with a depiction of the conflict. Either way I can understand your initial perspective regarding it.

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To my view, Yes it is allowed.

There has been a syrian war game, with destroyed buildings, ragdoll, flags of the countries, arms of the country (guns)

There are ww2 games, afghanistan games, to my point of view, Yes you can.


Yeah, I can see that this would be considered unacceptable for roblox. But like I said earlier, I wouldn’t be showing anything of this nature.

tbh perhaps the war game would be allowed if you dont represent any of the deaths JUST the war part not the dying tragic part