Queue System Issue

Hi, I need to find a way to script a way for the queue to check if someone is standing on a brick, and then stop until the player has stopped standing on it. My issue is that I am unsure of how to script that, I have tried coding in while true do and lots of other issues, it sets a bool value to true when the player is standing on it. Here is a part of my current script:

		local touch = script.Parent.NextPart.Value.IsTouching.Value == true
		local waiting = script.Parent.NextPart.Value.IsTouching.Value == false
		script.Parent.IsTouching.Value = true
		while true do
		if touch then
		elseif waiting then
				if character and Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) then
					script.Parent.IsTouching.Value = false

Here is the game link ~ joshandjacka1234's Queue System - Roblox

At a high level, what are you trying to use this for?

I’m planning on using it for personal projects, like theme parks and other attractions, with the possibility of it becoming a free asset.

If you trying to check if someone is on a part. You can use raycast below and check for the part.

Okay, first of all its = true and = false

and you should be doing:

     if Touch.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- Make sure a real player has touched it.

How would I stop the player, as they continue anyway?

There exists the TouchEnded event for parts which can be waited for.
@ThoseNamesAreGood code can be extended to the following:

    -- Make sure a real player has touched it.
    if not character.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end

    -- Wait for the character to stop touching the part
    while NextPart.TouchEnded:Wait() ~= character and character.Parent do end

    -- Make sure the character is still valid, Parent is nil when destroyed
    print("Stopped Waiting")
    if not character.Parent then return end

    -- Do your extra stuff here

The TouchEnded event will trigger when any part stops touching it, therefore we can use a while loop and a condition to wait for the specific character to stop touching the part.
If a player leaves the game their character is destroyed so it is a good idea to test for this case, this is included in my example within the while loop and after.

That didn’t work, the full script I’m using is;

function onTouched(hit)
	print("Part A!")
	local nextpart = script.Parent.NextPart.Value
		-- Make sure a real player has touched it.
		if not character.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end

		-- Wait for the character to stop touching the part
		while nextpart.TouchEnded:Wait() ~= character and character.Parent do end

		-- Make sure the character is still valid, Parent is nil when destroyed
		print("Stopped Waiting")
		if not character.Parent then return end

		-- Do your extra stuff here

Which part did not work, you need to give more details.

One naming error I made was calling the hit part “character” when it was a child of character. Therefore, the last line should be character.Parent because of this.

However, I copied this from your existing script as I’m not sure what you want it to do when it had stopped waiting.

How would I stop the player, as they continue anyway?

Is this the kind of thing you’re trying to acheive?

Yes, and when the person in front moves, you move.

LineUp.rbxl (29.8 KB)