As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to make use of the Quick Access bar, as it is extremely tedious to customize and is very limited.
Moving actions around requires spamming the up-and-down arrow buttons, and constant manual scrolling to see where it’s going. How about simply dragging and dropping things from a “things not on your access bar” bin to your access bar, and dragging buttons around the bar instead of spamming a button 17 times?
The quick access bar itself could use some new features too;
Having the ability to add separators and empty space along with extra rows instead of one big long line would be very useful as it can be easy to get lost in a big block of unseparated buttons. The ability to put Color, Material, and Anchor tools on it would also be much appreciated.
(Sidenote: Why does Anchor not have a toggle for the old pre-ribbon tool behaviour like Color and Material have?)
If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because it would give me the ability to customize the CAB much faster and to a degree that allows me to do much more with it.